BLOG: General Posts
Shoelaces | Everyday Miracles
Cheryl Yarek
February 17, 2021
An untied shoelace unexpectedly provides a profound lesson in Christian charity. more
Healing hands | Everyday Miracles
Maria Fernanda
February 10, 2021
Suffering from a painful cyst but afraid to have surgery, Maria prayed that God's will be done in her life. And that's when something unusual happened. more
February 8 is the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. Find out what you can do to fight against this grave injustice. more
Today we celebrate the first ever International Day of Human Fraternity, an initiative of the United Nations inspired by Pope Francis. more
Misión Rosario is a youth-led campaign with a bold goal: to pray one million rosaries by Easter 2021! Find out how you can join them. more
Wilson wanted to learn to play the guitar so he could praise God in song. The only problem was he couldn't afford one. So he asked Mary for a little help. more
The 65-mile miracle | Everyday Miracles
Jessica C.
January 27, 2021
Sixty-five miles from Chicago, Jessica's father ran out of gas. Find out how St. Raphael helped them out of this jam. more
Today marks 76 years since the liberation of Auschwitz. Jermaine Bagnall offers some suggestions for how we can commemorate this important day. more
Today is the International Day of Education. What is it and what can I do to help? Jermaine Bagnall tells us everything we need to know. more
The year of the family
Isabelle Gagnon
January 19, 2021
Pope Francis has declared that March 2021 to June 2022 will be a year dedicated to the "Amoris Laetita Family". more