Les Verbomoteurs
Chaque semaine, l'équipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chrétien sur l'actualité politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours. Attendez-vous à des discussions pleines d'esprit, animées par Simon Lessard.
Chaque semaine, l'équipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chrétien sur l'actualité politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours. Attendez-vous à des discussions pleines d'esprit, animées par Simon Lessard.
Terra Santa News

A weekly video news report telling the story of the Holy Land between faith, history, and current events.

A weekly video news report telling the story of the Holy Land between faith, history, and current events.
Nous Tous
Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter's Seminary
More than 11 years ago, Fr. Michael Prieur looked up at the stained-glass windows he?d been passing by every day for 40 years and saw them for the first time. The details, the colours, the symbols ? all these revealed a more personal look at some of the greatest figures of faith and history. Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter?s Seminary received a Gabriel Award for Best Arts Documentary in 2012.
More than 11 years ago, Fr. Michael Prieur looked up at the stained-glass windows he?d been passing by every day for 40 years and saw them for the first time. The details, the colours, the symbols ? all these revealed a more personal look at some of the greatest figures of faith and history. Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter?s Seminary received a Gabriel Award for Best Arts Documentary in 2012.
This is the Day

Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.

Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
Why should we care for the environment? This is the question that Salt + Light, in partnership with the Environmental Science and Studies Department of the University Of St. Thomas in Houston, addresses with this six-part documentary series.
Why should we care for the environment? This is the question that Salt + Light, in partnership with the Environmental Science and Studies Department of the University Of St. Thomas in Houston, addresses with this six-part documentary series.
Terra Santa News

A weekly video news report telling the story of the Holy Land between faith, history, and current events.

A weekly video news report telling the story of the Holy Land between faith, history, and current events.
Nous Tous
Il Santo Rosario
Daily TV Mass

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Passion of Christ: A Day with an Icon
Messe du jour en la Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montréal
Messe quotidienne en la Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montréal
Messe quotidienne en la Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montréal
Les mystères - Les Mystères Glorieux
Rejoignez Sel et Lumière Télévision, les dimanches et mercredis, pour la récitation du chapelet, en priant les mystères glorieux : la Résurrection, l'Ascension, la Pentecôte, l'Assomption, et le couronnement de Marie.
Rejoignez Sel et Lumière Télévision, les dimanches et mercredis, pour la récitation du chapelet, en priant les mystères glorieux : la Résurrection, l'Ascension, la Pentecôte, l'Assomption, et le couronnement de Marie.
Daily TV Mass

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Prayer of the Holy Rosary for Pope Francis presided over by Cardinal Kurt Koch

Weekly devotions in the Roman Catholic tradition.

Weekly devotions in the Roman Catholic tradition.
Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter's Seminary
More than 11 years ago, Fr. Michael Prieur looked up at the stained-glass windows he?d been passing by every day for 40 years and saw them for the first time. The details, the colours, the symbols ? all these revealed a more personal look at some of the greatest figures of faith and history. Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter?s Seminary received a Gabriel Award for Best Arts Documentary in 2012.
More than 11 years ago, Fr. Michael Prieur looked up at the stained-glass windows he?d been passing by every day for 40 years and saw them for the first time. The details, the colours, the symbols ? all these revealed a more personal look at some of the greatest figures of faith and history. Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter?s Seminary received a Gabriel Award for Best Arts Documentary in 2012.
Daily TV Mass

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Terra Santa News

A weekly video news report telling the story of the Holy Land between faith, history, and current events.

A weekly video news report telling the story of the Holy Land between faith, history, and current events.
Les Verbomoteurs
Chaque semaine, l'équipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chrétien sur l'actualité politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours. Attendez-vous à des discussions pleines d'esprit, animées par Simon Lessard.
Chaque semaine, l'équipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chrétien sur l'actualité politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours. Attendez-vous à des discussions pleines d'esprit, animées par Simon Lessard.
Nous Tous
Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter's Seminary
More than 11 years ago, Fr. Michael Prieur looked up at the stained-glass windows he?d been passing by every day for 40 years and saw them for the first time. The details, the colours, the symbols ? all these revealed a more personal look at some of the greatest figures of faith and history. Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter?s Seminary received a Gabriel Award for Best Arts Documentary in 2012.
More than 11 years ago, Fr. Michael Prieur looked up at the stained-glass windows he?d been passing by every day for 40 years and saw them for the first time. The details, the colours, the symbols ? all these revealed a more personal look at some of the greatest figures of faith and history. Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter?s Seminary received a Gabriel Award for Best Arts Documentary in 2012.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes
Daily Rosary from Lourdes, France
Daily Rosary from Lourdes, France
Daily TV Mass

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Le chapelet à Lourdes
Rosaire quotidien de Lourdes, France
Rosaire quotidien de Lourdes, France
Messe du jour en la Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montréal
Messe quotidienne en la Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montréal
Messe quotidienne en la Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montréal
Vêpres à Notre-Dame de Paris
KTO filme et retransmet les Vêpres depuis Notre-Dame de Paris rouverte. Les Vêpres font partie des Heures de l?Office divin, c?est la prière solennelle du soir. L?office de Vêpres comprend, après l?introduction, une hymne, deux Psaumes, un Cantique du Nouveau Testament, une lecture brève, le chant d?actions de grâces du Magnificat, les prières d?intercession et une brève oraison.
KTO filme et retransmet les Vêpres depuis Notre-Dame de Paris rouverte. Les Vêpres font partie des Heures de l?Office divin, c?est la prière solennelle du soir. L?office de Vêpres comprend, après l?introduction, une hymne, deux Psaumes, un Cantique du Nouveau Testament, une lecture brève, le chant d?actions de grâces du Magnificat, les prières d?intercession et une brève oraison.
Les mystères - Les Mystères Glorieux
Rejoignez Sel et Lumière Télévision, les dimanches et mercredis, pour la récitation du chapelet, en priant les mystères glorieux : la Résurrection, l'Ascension, la Pentecôte, l'Assomption, et le couronnement de Marie.
Rejoignez Sel et Lumière Télévision, les dimanches et mercredis, pour la récitation du chapelet, en priant les mystères glorieux : la Résurrection, l'Ascension, la Pentecôte, l'Assomption, et le couronnement de Marie.
This is the Day

Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.

Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
Armenian Apostolic Church
The Word Exposed

Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle of the Archdiocese of Manila reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week.

Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle of the Archdiocese of Manila reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week.
Au rythme du Coeur
A program from Salt+Light Television featuring a fresh collection of Catholic stories each month. Step into a faith-filled world of beauty, truth, and goodness with short documentaries on intriguing topics. Listen in on interviews with notable personalities. And dig deeper with explanations and analysis of trends and themes in the Church today.
A program from Salt+Light Television featuring a fresh collection of Catholic stories each month. Step into a faith-filled world of beauty, truth, and goodness with short documentaries on intriguing topics. Listen in on interviews with notable personalities. And dig deeper with explanations and analysis of trends and themes in the Church today.
Real families and Catholic experts reflect on the beauty, challenges, sorrows and joys of family life, guided by Pope Francis' document on the joy of love in the family, Amoris Laetitia.
Real families and Catholic experts reflect on the beauty, challenges, sorrows and joys of family life, guided by Pope Francis' document on the joy of love in the family, Amoris Laetitia.
Why should we care for the environment? This is the question that Salt + Light, in partnership with the Environmental Science and Studies Department of the University Of St. Thomas in Houston, addresses with this six-part documentary series.
Why should we care for the environment? This is the question that Salt + Light, in partnership with the Environmental Science and Studies Department of the University Of St. Thomas in Houston, addresses with this six-part documentary series.
Aid to the Church in Need - Colombia: I was Hungry

Testimonies from around the world about the forgotten and persecuted members of the Church, and what some unsung heroes are doing to help them.

Testimonies from around the world about the forgotten and persecuted members of the Church, and what some unsung heroes are doing to help them.
Daily TV Rosary
Join Daily TV Rosary for a meditative prayer based on Scripture and the life of Jesus.
Join Daily TV Rosary for a meditative prayer based on Scripture and the life of Jesus.
Daily TV Mass

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes
Daily Rosary from Lourdes, France
Daily Rosary from Lourdes, France
Le chapelet à Lourdes
Rosaire quotidien de Lourdes, France
Rosaire quotidien de Lourdes, France