BLOG: General Posts
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For March 2018, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Formation in Spiritual Discernment. more
Dr. David Sylvester has been appointed the 8th President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St. Michael’s College (USMC) in the University of Toronto. The appointment was made by Very Rev. George Terence Smith, C.S.B., Superior General of the Congregation of St. Basil, upon the recommendation of the governing board of the university, the Collegium, more
Emilie Callan talks to us about some basic themes of Lent in our short series, 'Lenten Minutes." The first episode '40 Days' explains the significance of the number '40' by using several biblical examples. more
Prevain Devendran gives us a reflection of his experiences visiting Calcutta, and how Missionaries of Charity helped change his life, and help him experience the tenderness of God. more
Emilie Callan provides us with a brief recap, and reflection on the Francis@Five debate, which took place on on Jan. 31, 2018. Link to the video is also included in blog! more
Billy Chan gives a personal reflection on the Lenten Season, and the roles praying, fasting, and almsgiving play. He asks us questions about Easter. Is it a Milestone of our Path to Sainthood? more
Read the Message of the Holy Father Pope Francis for the XXXIII World Youth Day, which will be taking place on Palm Sunday, March 25, 2018. more
Sebastian Gomes speaks with Cardinal Donald Wuerl about Pope Benedict XVI, his resignation, and the Papal Transition to Pope Francis. more
The season of Lent is a favourable time to remedy the dissonant chords of our Christian life and to receive the ever new, joyful and hope-filled proclamation of the Lord’s Passover. more
By Sebastian Gomes, Special to CNN In hindsight we see how calculated Benedict’s thinking was, and not only about his resignation. He called an unexpected consistory to be held on November 24 in which he created six new cardinals, none of them coming from Europe. That came nine months after the previous consistory, meaning that more