On Pentecost we celebrate the day that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the Church, to the community. And this has profound implications for us today. ...read more
Fr. Michael McGivney is going to be beatified. Who was he? And why is he important to the Church today, more than a hundred years after his death? ...read more
What does it mean that all Christians are part of the Body of Christ? Read this new series on ecumenism exploring issues and ideas from the search for Christian unity. ...read more
Of all the saints that have lived and died in the city of Rome, only St. Philip Neri is called the "Apostle of Rome". What makes him so special? ...read more
"He will come in the same way you saw him go," the angels said after the Ascension. What did they mean by that and what does it mean for us today? ...read more
This week, Deacon Pedro looks at how the readings at Mass from Acts show us a Church moving beyond the circle of people who knew Jesus personally. ...read more
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