BLOG: Art, Books,
What's on your list of resolutions for the coming year? The resolution we can often miss is the most essential one: receiving the year as a gift from God. more
In his latest book, opinion writer Ross Douthat gives a moving account of his struggle with Lyme disease and its impact on his faith. more
Do we let Jesus into our everyday lives - into our family, our friendships, and our work? Or are there areas where we try and keep Him out? more
As the media bring us news about the new Omicron variant of COVID, Julian Paparella reflects on the hope brought to us by Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega. more
Carl Trueman's The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self has been described by many as one of the most important books of the year, if not the decade. more
Benjamin Boivin examines how utopian/dystopian works affect and reflect our culture – and what they reveal about the Christian perspective. more
Benjamin Boivin discusses a uniquely Catholic work of dystopian literature: Robert Hugh Benson's Lord of the World. more
John Milloy offers a perspective on the relationship between faith and today's political realities from a politician’s point of view. more
How can political activity remain viable for a Catholic person of good will in an increasingly polarized society? more
As Canadians go to the polls for a federal election once again, what role does faith play in our political choices? more