Trahe nos.  Draw us. That’s the motto of Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI. On Monday, November 8th, he will be installed as the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario. Regarding the motto, the 62-year old prelate explains that Jesus says no one can come to me unless through the Father (John 6:44).  To this, more
By Sabrina Di Matteo, editor of Haute Fidélité MONTREAL – On Saturday, October 30, the Olympic Stadium played host to one of the greatest religious events of its history. More than 48,000 people of all ages and origins filled the bleachers for the Mass of Thanksgiving in honour of Brother André – canonized as St. more
This blog comes from Rita Sawaya, who was in Rome covering the Synod of Bishops for the Middle East last month. Fight or Flight Forced migration of Christians from the Middle East has now become the norm. It is now impossible for a growing number of Christians – who are now an even smaller minority more
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A deadly militant siege of a Catholic cathedral in Baghdad, Iraq, was a “savage” act of “absurd violence,” Pope Benedict XVI said. The pope urged international and national authorities and all people of good will to work together to end the “heinous episodes of violence more
A Synod convoked to Restore Order in the Tower of Babel The Synod of Bishops for the Middle East was convoked to give hope not only to the Catholic Churches of the Middle East, but to all the peoples of the Middle East: Christians, Muslims and Jews. It is a unique historic opportunity to restore order in today's Tower of Babel. more
MONTREAL–Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the following statement at a reception in Montreal, October 30, after attending a Mass of Thanksgiving at the Olympic Stadium for the canonization of Saint André. “Your Eminence, Cardinal Turcotte, Archbishop of Montreal; Father Grou, Rector of St. Joseph’s Oratory; Your Honour, Mr. Duchesne, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec; Premier Charest; Your Worship more
MONTREAL — One new Canadian saint will be among those for whom Catholics will give thanks and to whom they will pray on All Saints Day this year. Saint Brother André, who founded St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, October 17, and enthusiasm for his canonization here has more
Though today we celebrate all the many wonderful holy men and women who have gone before us, November is traditionally a month where we remember our dearly departed, the poor souls in purgatory. We may also want to regularly call to mind the Papal intentions for this month.  Pope Benedict XVI’s general prayer intention for more
MONTREAL — Prime Minister Stephen Harper stopped in at St. Joseph’s Oratory on his way to the Olympic Stadium for the grand Canadian celebration for the canonization of Saint Brother André. He was greeted by Fr. Claude Grou, CSC, rector of the shrine that was founded by Saint Brother André more than a century ago. more