As the American bishops prepare to vote on a document about Eucharistic coherence, Benjamin Boivin explains why it has become so controversial. more
Everything has a cycle, a beginning and an end, and we learn from this how to interpret our own times and seasons of life, as individuals and as a society. more
Carl Trueman's The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self has been described by many as one of the most important books of the year, if not the decade. more
Like the widow in this Sunday's Gospel, even when we think we don’t have enough, we must give what we lack so that God can complete and fulfill it. more
We join Pope Francis in praying that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and a light that opens them up to life. more
As we come to the end of the liturgical year and begin a new one, the Church gives us readings from the prophets – and three are Minor Prophets! more
When Jesus identifies the greatest commandments as love of God and neighbour, in reality he is telling us how to live a good and happy life. more
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