Tonight, October 21st, at 8pm ET, the season premiere of “The World I Know: Virtues in Action” airs. The target audience is elementary and high school students, and this has been a year in the making, so I’m excited to see this happen! The first episode is on the virtue of fairness, and I have more
I don’t know when it was that I realized I love working with children. Maybe it was that year teaching kindergarten. Maybe it’s because that at some parties I go to, I end up playing games with the kids and leaving the adults to do all their talking! Regardless, I’ve been able to indulge in more
In the midst of all the hard work and writing, an event of biblical proportions took place on Thursday evening. It took place not in the synod hall, but at a building known to us as “the Biblicum” in Rome’s Piazza della Pilotta, near the Trevi Fountain. It was a reunion and festive dinner at more
Sadly for a lone tourist, much of Rome is either indecipherable or inaccessible.  Unlike Canada, where every hundred-year old building gets a commemorative plaque, even the magnificent churches typically lack explanations of their features. And the city is full of so many notable religious sites that a guide book would weigh more than a traveller more
While I can’t always understand them, Rome is full of interesting characters. It’s for them that I’ve attempted to become an extrovert since I arrived nearly two weeks ago. Andre Koekenhoff (right) is the Thermovolt site manager for the solar panel project atop the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, where most of the Synod of Bishops more
How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find a word that means Maria? A flibbtijibbet! A will-o’-the-wisp! A clown! Singing yet? I would guess that 92% of this country (random calculation and not scientific) have some concept of The Sound of more
Pope Benedict XVI attended the world premiere of “Testimony” with good reason.  Certainly, a John Paul II biopic is timely, given that today marks the 30th anniversary of his pontifical election. And yes, some visual stimulus is in order for the Synod Fathers, who have daily endured the rigorous schedule of long speeches. However, the more
Today’s Zoom story about he anniversary of John Paul II ‘s election as Pope brought back some happy memories. No, I’m not old enough to remember his election. (to be honest, I didn’t exist yet). Living in Rome from 2004 to 2007, I discovered how deeply entrenched the image of Pope is in the consciousness more
I don’t know about you, but I am one of those people who believes that, in many cases, it’s best to leave religion out of the ProLife arguments. I’ve been in too many situations with non-believers for whom “life is sacred” means nothing. When they challenge you with “why is life sacred?” you can’t just more
October is the month of the Rosary. Celebrate with us, as we bring you a new program from Family Theatre Productions that points us in the direction of Mary. Coming to Salt + Light Television Friday, October 17 at 8 p.m. Eastern time, is the hour-long drama Finding Mary. Based on the Coronation of the more