World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney, Australia seems like such a long time ago.  Since I’ve been back in the office, it’s one project after the other! Being young and healthy, I haven’t thought much of death and where I’d like to be buried!  And I never really thought much about why I should look more
Gillian Kantor
October 14, 2008
Today’s the day! It’s Election Day across the country! And while Canada’s campaign may have been overshadowed by our louder neighbours to the south preparing for their own ballot-taking in November, this by no means lessens the importance of our own vote, selecting and supporting a party that we think will do best for our more
Today I give thanks for… traditions. As a member of a many-generation Canadian family, we tend not to consider our holidays to be infused with any kind of grand, cultural traditions. Instead, ours are just run-of-the-mill, nothing extraordinary, meat-and-potatoes kind of holidays. But, to a certain extent, those meat-and-potatoes are our traditions. Any of our family holidays – more
This has been my sixth day in Rome. While I’m eager to share my perspective on the Synod of Bishops, I must first recount the beautiful scene this morning at the Canonization Mass, as seen from my breezy vantage point next to the Saints above the the south-west colonnades. “God, who does not wish for more
October is the month of the Rosary. Celebrate with us, as we bring you a new program from Family Theatre Productions that points us in the direction of Mary. Coming to Salt + Light Television Friday, October 10 at 8 p.m. Eastern time, is Assumptions, a half-hour long drama making tangible the Mysteries of our more
Or is the word-play, “incredulous religion”?   Some of you may have heard of the new documentary – although it’s not what I would call a documentary; there is no objective presentation of more than one side in it – titled RELIGULOUS. It is produced and hosted by American Comedian (and anti-religionist) Bill Maher. more
My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease just a few months ago. When the family found out, there were some tears from the older kids, and not really much of an expression from the younger kids.  What do the younger ones have to understand about Parkinson’s?  My dad was just in the beginning stages, and more
In our faithfulness and trust and belief, we acknowledge that the Catholic Mass contains mysteries – the Holy Trinity and transubstantiation among them – which we embrace and celebrate. But what shouldn’t be mysterious is the Mass itself.  This hour-long celebration with our fellow Catholics shouldn’t be a confusing choreography of sitting, standing, and kneeling with prayers recited by rote interspersed between more
My younger sister just had a baby girl (Emma, the first grandchild for my parents) this past Sunday.  I learned earlier from my mom that she has been praying the Rosary Novena for Emma’s safe delivery.  The Rosary What???   I asked my mom.  I’ve heard of Novenas to St. Therese, to St. Joseph, to St. Anne, more
“Do you want to say a little decade?” is a predictable question coming from my husband when we get into the car to drive anywhere that takes longer than five minutes. Also predictable is my teasing him on the adjective “little” (as opposed to a “big, huge” decade), after which, yes, we pray our decade more